UNDERGROUND BIO LABS™ Panda Supps - Fierce Pre-Workout Enhanced Performance At The Gym. Enhances Blood Flow Clear & Tunnel Vision Focus Consistent Level OfEnergy Power Through Workout. Fat Burning Matrix
* PANDA POWER: Taking a pre-workout can become very routine and eventually leave you feeling like it no longer effective. Panda Fierce pre-workout makes sure you get the cleanest, most effective natural energy to help power you through your workout. We added a solid and effective dose of 300 mg caffeine anhydrous to ensure it hits quickly.,* PANDA TUNNEL VISION FOCUS: Panda being Panda, we love our brain stims. Having tunnel-vision-focus during a workout only benefits you in by being able to have that mind-muscle connection. To ensure this, we added efficacious dosing of Phenylethylamine or PEA, as well as Mucuna Puriens and Alpha GPC.,* PANDA ENERGY: When it comes to energy, no one likes a punch in the face like a Panda, so we added Dynamine. Dynamine has proven studies that show a consistent level of Clean Energy without the jitters.,* PANDA BLOOD FLOW: Agmatine sulfate being 100x stronger than L-Arginine enhances blood flow and allows for proper oxygen and nutrient delivery.,* PANDA PERFORMANCE: Taking a pre-workout should help enhance your performance in the gym, get you tunnel vision, an amazing blood flow, and sustainable energy. Panda does all that in one amazing PRE. Take PAND FIERCE for a spin, and you will see why everyone else is HOOKED!